Full names, dates of appointment, term, appointee
Becky Macfarlane (Co-Opted Governor)
Chair of Governors and nominated governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection. I worked as a Retail Manager for 15 years, as Operations Manager for our family business for 4 years and am now School Business Manager for HR & Premises at a primary school in North Somerset. I have one child at SPS and love being able to support the fantastic team at Shirehampton Primary.
Emma Young (Co-Opted Governor)
Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of the Finance & Resources Committee and nominated governor for Health and Safety. I work for a non-departmental government body focussing on data protection and corporate security. I have had a previous career in children’s social services. As a Shirehampton resident, and a volunteer reading coach for adults, I want to be able to support an inspiring school to give children the best start in life.
Louise Vesely-Shore (Co-Opted Governor)
Member of the Teaching & Learning Committee and nominated governor for SEND . I work in law enforcement, providing specialist support and advice to police and partners across the UK. I have a background in psychology, and have worked in the area of missing persons for many years. Through my work I have seen how important our early years are in shaping our futures, and I am proud to have the opportunity to support my local community in this way.
David Trigg (Co-opted Governor)
Chair of the Teaching & Learning Committee and nominated governor for Pupil Premium. I am a freelance writer and art historian with many years of experience working in the arts and publishing sectors. As a parent and local Shirehampton resident, I care deeply about the success of SPS and am pleased to have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the school and wider community.
Charlotte Harris (Co-opted Governor)
Member of the Finance & Resources Committee. I was born and brought up in North Bristol and live locally with my young family. With a degree in journalism from Cardiff University, I have worked as a communications specialist for over a decade in roles within the public, private and third sectors. I believe all children should have the opportunity to reach their full potential. In my role as governor, I want to support Shirehampton Primary School to deliver its aims and vision, so that young people in our community can thrive.
Nicky Atkinson (Co-opted Governor)
Member of the Finance & Resources Committee and nominated governor for Children Looked After and Young Carers. I am Senior Business Consultant for a major Consultancy Firm. I have over 12 years of financial consultancy experience both in the Private and Public sector. I have a financial planning and IT software background, as well as project management skills to draw upon. I am also an official for England Hockey. I believe that every child has the right to the education that will help them thrive in their community. This is not always about getting A* - it can be about having empathy with their peers. Shirehampton Primary School strives to meet this goal and as a Governor I want to be able support them in this goal.
Paul Rhodes (Co-opted Governor)
Member of the Teaching & Learning Committee. I am the Pastor of Shirehampton Baptist Church and a trained Maths teacher. I have been working with children and youth of all ages for nearly 40 years and have accepted the request to be a governor of Shirehampton primary School because I can see a well-run happy school when I visit.
Michele Daniels (Co-Opted Governor)
Member of the Finance & Resources Committee. I am the Office Manager at SPS and am involved, alongside the School Business Manager, in setting and monitoring the budget.
Nicky Carey (Staff Governor)
I am currently the Booster Teacher for the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and provide 1 to 1 and small group support for children in Nursery and YrR. As well as running a lunch time socials skills group, I am also the school link for the Friends of SPS (PTA) and Parent Council.
Louisa Munton (Head Teacher ex-officio staff governor)
Member of the Finance & Resources Committee and the Teaching & Learning Committee.
Amy McNamee (Deputy Head & SENDCo Associate Member [no voting rights])
Member of the Teaching & Learning Committee.
Richard Lohan (Deputy Head & Associate Member[no voting rights])
Member of the Teaching & Learning Committee.
Elizabeth Jahn - Clerk to the Governing Body
Register of Governors
sps governing body details business pecuniary interests register january 25.pdf